
The Contract Agreement described below should be signed by the new owner of the kitten and the breeder at the moment of sale

Terms & Conditions of Sale

Buyer accepts full responsibility for the care of the kitten and agrees to the following terms:

1. Buyer will at all times provide adequate shelter, sanitary facilities and diet for this kitten

2. This kitten will receive appropriate veterinarian care including all yearly vaccinations and deworming

3. If sold as pet, this kitten should not be use for breeding and must be spayed/neutered within 4 to 8 months of age

4. This kitten should never be declawed

5. Buyer is advised to take the kitten to the vet (at the Buyer's expense) within 72 hours of purchase day for the health exam

6. Buyer shall be liable for all court cost and related charges including attorney and court fees associated with Deep Purrple Cattery enforcing the terms of this contract

Health Guarantee

Deep Purrple original cats were tested for Feline Leukemia, FIP and Feline Aids, at which time they all are negative

This kitten has received all inoculations and other treatments appropriate to his/her age. The paper record has been provided to Buyer at the time of purchase

Although we have never observed worms in our cats, we do this as a preventive measure at 9 weeks of age and then again after 10 days 

1. This kitten has a limited 72 hours warranty against upper respiratory infection and fleas. We urge that Buyer bring the kitten to the vet for a health exam within 72 hours. Should the vet find the kitten not healthy we will refund money upon return of the kitten. If Buyer decide to treat the kitten for any reason we will not be held responsible for any vet bills incurred

2. We believe this kitten to be genetically sound and will replace it with another one at no additional cost to Buyer should it die of genetic defect within one year of kitten's date of birth. Said genetic defect must be evidenced in necropsy by the Buyer 

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